Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in Oct. 1867
After divine services by Bro. John Deason Mt. Carmel Church convened in conference. Visiting bretheren were invited to seats with us. An opportunity was extended for the reception of members. Lewis Sparkman came foreward, related his experience and was received in to our christain fellowship and church fellowship when baptized. The moderator called for corispondents. Bro. John Deason came forward as a corispondent from Holy Springs Church and was received. The moderator called for references whereupon the committee appointed to investigate the conduct of Bro. Nolen and Sister Vaugn reported. The report was received and the parties excluded. Bros. Elum, Howerton and Commicle were appointed as a committee to corispond with the sisters Bucaloo in regard to their membership. The same committee was appointed to assertain the amount it would require to build us a church. The church then proceeded to appoint corisponding messengers to sister churches. Bro. Elum, Howerton and F. O. Galloway were appointed as corisponding messengers to Cool Springs Church and Bro. Frasure, Clint Holleman and Cormicle to Shilo Church. Conference adjourned.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
[Begin page 6→]
Sat. before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov. 1867
After divine service by Eld. John Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. An oppertunity was extended for the reception of members. None came. The Mod. called for references when upon the committee appointed to corispond with the sisters Bucaloos called for farther time to report. The com. appointed to assertain the amount it would require to purchase the material to build us a house, reported stating it would require $250 (Two hundred and fifty dollars). The matter was postponed. The church requested Bro. William Sparkman to quit his school room and devote his time to the preaching of the gospel. Bros. A. P. Galloway, Howerton and Joel Elum were appointed as delegates to visit Holly Spring Church. By motion conference ajourned.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in Dec. 1867
After divine service by Eld. John Sparkman Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. The Mod. called for references, when upon the committee appointed to corispond with the sisters Bucaloos called for farther time to report. The Mod. called for general business, when upon the motion requesting Bro. W. M. Sparkman to quit the school room and devote his time to the preaching of the gospel was reconsidered and lost. Bro. John Sparkman tendered his resignation as pastor which was deferred until next meeting. By motion conference adjourned.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in Jan. 1868
After divine service by Eld. John Sparkman Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. The Mod. called for references whereupon the committee [begin page 7→] appointed to corispond with the Sisters Bucaloos reported stating that they had written and got no answer. The Sisters were excluded for violating the church covenant. Bro. Thornton Vaughn and Sister Susan Pierce called for letters of dismission, which were granted. Bro. John Sparkman withdrew his tendering of his resignation as pastor. By motion a committey was appointed to corispond with the Masonic fraternity in regard to building a lodge at Mt. Carmel church. The committee appointed were Bro. Howerton, A. P. Galloway, Joel Elum, Carmicle and W. M. Sparkman. Conference ajourned.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
Mt. Carmel Church Rusk Co. Tex. Feb. 10th 1868
After preaching by Elder W. M. Sparkman the church came together in conference. The Mod. called for references. The committee appointed to confer with the masons reported. The report was received and the committee discharged. By motion a committee of six was appointed to confer with the colored members in regard to having separate preaching to them. The committee appointed was Bros. William Howerton, A. P. Galloway, Joel Elum, Martin Baysinger, John Frasure and W. M. Sparkman, in connection with the pastor John Sparkman. Conference adjourned.
N. V. Brock C.C. Protem. John Sparkman Mod.
Sat. before the 3rd Sun. in March 1868
After divine services by Eld. John Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. An opportunity was extended for the reception of members, whereupon Bro. Joseph Brandon, Nancy F. and Sarah A. Brandon came forward presenting a letter of recommendation, and were received. The Mod. called for references, whereupon the committee appointed to confer with the colored brethern relative to having separate preaching to them, made the following report. That the colored brethern meet with the pastor of Mt. Carmel church for divine service on [begin page 8→] the first Sunday in each month if agreeable with the citizens to whom the house belongs. And we farther recommend that the white brethern meet with the pastor on the above named day and assist him in the work of indoctrination and disciplining the colored brethern. By motion a committee of five was appointed to select a suitable location for Mt. Carmel church. The committee selected John Sparkmans well, which was agreed on by the church. A committee was then appointed to assertain the dimensions for building a house for Mt. Carmel church. Those appointed were Bros. Joel Elum, Smith, Henry Brock and William Howerton. On account of there being other churches nearer than Mt. Carmel, the following members called for letters of dismission. Bro. William Howerton, Mary Howerton, Elizabeth Howerton, Selie Perkins, Bros. Henry Penny, Martin Baysinger, and Sister Adeline Baysinger. The letters were granted. There being no farther business conference adjourned.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
Sat. April 18th 1868
After divine service by Eld. John Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church came together in conference. The Mod. called for correspondents wher upon Bro. Acy Parker came forward from Shilo church and Bro. Bartley Wallace from Mt. Zion church. The Mod. called for references where upon the committee appointed to assertain the dimensions of a house for Mt. Carmel church reported, stating that it would require a house forty by fifty feet. The report was received and adopted. A building committee of five was then appointed. Bros. Joel Elum, John Frasure, A. P. Galloway and Smith were appointed. By motion Bros. Joel Elum and F. O. Galloway were appointed as corisponding messengers to Shilo church. Conference adjourned.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
[Begin page 9→]
Sat. May 18th 1868
After divine service by Eld. W. M. Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. An opportunity was extended for the reception of members. None came forward. The Mod. called for references, there were none. He then called for general business, whereupon a committee of five were appointed to investigate the character of Bro. Joel Elum. Committee appointed, Bros. Smith, John Frasure, A. P. Galloway, Clinton Holleman, and N. V. Brock. Five other Sister churches were invited to meet with us at our next regular meeting.
F. O. Galloway C. C. W. M. Sparkman Mod.
Sat. before the 3rd Sunday in June 1868
After divine service by Eld. John Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. The Mod. called for corispondents whereupon the following brethern came forward as corispondents. From Mt. Zion church, Allen Birdwell, Isic Lawler and Bartley Wallace. From Shilo church Bros. Acy Parker, Fosty Parker and Wily Parker. From Holly Springs Bros. John Deason, A. J. Welch and Freeman. From Cool Springs Bros. Thomas Lacy, J. B. Lacy and Harmon. The Mod. called for references whereupon the committee appointed to investigate the character of Bro. Elum reported stating that they had found Bro. and Sister Elum in disorder, by being separated. It was moved and seconed that the difficultly of Bro. and Sister Elum be taken up, whereupon a committee of nine was appointed to investigate and try to reconcile it. Three were appointed of the members of Mt. Carmel church. Bros. Smith, A. P. Galloway and Rueben Carmicle. The other six were of the corispondents from Sister Churches, to wit, Bros. Allen Birdwell, Isic Lawler, John Deason, A. J. Welch, Thomas Lacy and Acy Parker. Conference ajourned until Sunday.
F. O. Galloway C. C. John Sparkman Mod.
[Begin page 10→]
Sunday June 21st 1868
After divine service by Eld. John Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church came together in conference. The Mod. called for a report of the committee appointed to investigate the dificulty between Bro. and Sister Elum. The committee made two reports. The majority reported that they had found the difficulty irreconsilable and recommended the exclusion of both. The minority reported stating that they found Sister Elum in the spirit of humility willing to do and to be anything that the gospel required. That they found Bro. Elum obstinate and unwilling to submit gospel requisition. The majority report was rejected and the minority received whereupon and in acordence with his request, Bro. Elum was excluded. By motion conference ajourned.
John Sparkman Mod. F. O. Galloway C. C.
Sat. July 18, 1868
After divine services by Eld. W. M. Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. After calling over the regular items of business the Mod. called for general business wherupon a letter was read from Bro. B. M. Humphrey of New Salem requesting deligates to be sent from Mt. Carmel church to New Salem for the purpose of organizing a baptist union meeting. Any action on the letter was defered until our next meeting. Conference ajourned.
W. M. Sparkman Mod. F. O. Galloway C. C.
Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in Aug. 1868
After divine services by Eld. John Sparkman, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. Visiting brethern were invited to seats with us. An opportunity was extended for the reception of members. None came forward. The Mod. next called for wherupon the letter of Bro. B. M. Humphrey of New Salem was [begin page 11→] taken into consideration. The church declined representing herself in the meeting. The church then proceeded to elect deligates to the association. Elder John Sparkman, Elder W. M. Sparkman and F. O. Galloway were elected as deligates. Bro John Smith alternate. By motion conference ajourned.
John Sparkman Mod. F. O. Galloway C. C.
Sat. before the 3rd Sun. in April 1870
After divine services by Elder Albriton, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. An opportunity was extended for the reception of members. None came forward. The Moderator called for the references wherupon the committee appointed to select a place to build a church reported stating that they had selected a place. The report was received and adopted. The committee was then appointed to procure a title to the land and make out a bill of lumber, and report at our next meeting. By motion of the church our place of holding preaching was changed to the Garland school house, and from the 3rd Sunday in each month to the 4th. By motion conference ajourned.
W. W. Albriton Mod. F. O. Galloway C. C.
May 21st. 1870
After divine service by Elder W. W. Albriton, Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. The clerk being absent the church appointed Bro. A. P. Galloway clerk for the present conference. The committee appointed to procure a deed to the land for building a church on asked for further time to report, which was granted. By order of the church the Mod. appointed four delegates to attend the union meeting which convenes with the Bethel church on Saturday before the 5th Sunday in this month. [begin page 12→] Those appointed were Bros. A. P. Galloway, Joseph Brandon, John H. Smith, M. T. Wells. Bro. A. P. Galloway called for letters of dismission for himself and Sister M. H. Galloway, F. O. Galloway and A. H. Galloway, which the church granted, and ordered the clerk to write. There being no other business, conference ajourned.
W. W. Albriton Mod. A. P. Galloway C. C. Protem
Sat. before the 1st. Sunday in Nov. 1871
Mt. Carmel church convened in conference. Having no pastor Bro. Joseph Brandon was appointed Moderator. On motion the church agreed to dissolve and granted letters to all who call for them.
R. P. Goldsberry C. C.
[Note: B. M. Humphrey of New Salem is probably the same as R. M. Humphrey, a delegate from New Salem to the Mt. Zion Association in 1868. I am unsure which initial is correct.]
The Mt. Carmel minutes are followed on pages 13-86 by the membership lists and minutes of Smyrna Baptist Church, August 1873 through January 1891. After these minutes, on page 86, is the following note: “Copied in Oct. and Nov. of 1947 by Mrs. Ada Woolverton. Part of the original minutes found in the trunk of her father Rev. M. L. Vaughn After his death, last May.”
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