Spanish-language Baptist churches in Rusk County
In the earliest days of its Anglo settlement, the area of Rusk County was part of Mexico, Spanish was its official language, and Roman Catholicism was its official religion. Spanish-language Baptist churches in Rusk County are much more recent. I am familiar with four Rusk County Baptist churches whose services are conducted in the Spanish language. There probably are more than that. Below I list the four I know, and the places where they meet. (In parentheses I give an English translation of the church name.)
Iglesia Bautista El Camino
(The Way Baptist Church)
205 W Gregg St
Mt. Enterprise, TX
(The Way Baptist Church)
205 W Gregg St
Mt. Enterprise, TX
Iglesia Bautista El Cordero De Dios
(The Lamb of God Baptist Church)
401 Johnson Dr
Henderson, TX
Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza
(New Hope Baptist Church)
10418 State Hwy 323
Overton, TX
(New Hope Baptist Church)
10418 State Hwy 323
Overton, TX
Primera Iglesia Bautista [Hispana]
(First Baptist Church [Spanish])
520 W Main St
Henderson, TX
If you readers know of others, please let me know. Thanks!